Friday, February 19, 2010

Tiger hiatus to continue

So Tiger made a much-awaited public appearance earlier. Most of the lingering questions remained unanswered though.

It was a clearly rehearsed speech, emphasising his remorse for letting virtually everyone down. It was always going to be a case of damage control, a PR exercise and sure enough he said what was expected. Its hard not to be cynical though. Especially when the press conference (well not exactly, more like a televised speech with an audience of his friends) co-incided with this week's tournament which is sponsored by Accenture, the 1st high-profile company to drop Tiger.

Apparently though he's starting more therapy this weekend so it had to be today. Cynical timing or not, it doesn't sound like he'll be returning to golf anytime soon. That was about the most surprising revelation from what he said. Perhaps he's hoping people will forget everything if he waits another 6 months plus. But I think most people have gotten over his "transgressions" already. He'd be best off just returning in the next month and face the real world again.

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