Friday, February 19, 2010

Tiger hiatus to continue

So Tiger made a much-awaited public appearance earlier. Most of the lingering questions remained unanswered though.

It was a clearly rehearsed speech, emphasising his remorse for letting virtually everyone down. It was always going to be a case of damage control, a PR exercise and sure enough he said what was expected. Its hard not to be cynical though. Especially when the press conference (well not exactly, more like a televised speech with an audience of his friends) co-incided with this week's tournament which is sponsored by Accenture, the 1st high-profile company to drop Tiger.

Apparently though he's starting more therapy this weekend so it had to be today. Cynical timing or not, it doesn't sound like he'll be returning to golf anytime soon. That was about the most surprising revelation from what he said. Perhaps he's hoping people will forget everything if he waits another 6 months plus. But I think most people have gotten over his "transgressions" already. He'd be best off just returning in the next month and face the real world again.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Curtains for Enda?

Upon hearing of George Lee's resignation from Fine Gael and the Dáil I knew that the story would have the most serious consequences for Enda Kenny. It's a disaster for him and I think it'll culminate in him being replaced as leader of the party.

Both he and Lee come across poorly from it. George for his failure to realise the patience and persuasiveness needed for political success and Enda for his clear lack of communication with and management of a disillusioned Lee. Whether Lee actually had real expertise to utilise isn't really the question, more why did Kenny and FG allow him to remain purely as a figurehead when thats not what he joined them to do. It seems to be that they hadn't talked with him enough to worry about it.

Lee was foolish to think he could have a major influence on policy after just over 6 months in office. But nonetheless he should've fought his case. It appears he didn't try too hard in having his case heard.

It remains to be seen what happens to Enda. The response of some FG front-benchers has been telling though. Kenny hasn't exactly been defended by them and there seems to be an understandable unease within the party. Though I've never been a fan of his, I had almost resigned myself to the belief Enda's progression to Taoiseach was inevitable with such an unpopular government. It looks highly doubtful now however. A forseeable slip in the next opinion poll and it could be curtains.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Chatsworth Independent

So my brother was playing in the Leinster schools rugby cup on Monday for my old haunt St. Michael's. It was an easy enough win, 28-7, and it was the post-match reports that provided most interest.

The Times produced quite a thorough review which praised Michael's. The Indo, on the other hand, raised a few more eyebrows amongst D4 mothers.

Its understood the reporter in question (unnamed in the piece) is an elderly man who allegedly arrived at the match rather inebriated. Either that or he chose to write in the style of Frank Gallagher from Shameless. In the article itself my brother is referred to as Mark Wall. This in itself is somewhat forgiveable, a case of mistaken identity, negligent as it is. But the old geezer goes on to call him C Waugh on the teamsheet below. Frank truly would be proud.

You know how the old joke goes...whats the difference between a shopping trolley and a journalist?

A: You can get more wine into the latter.